Stay Connected Silverleaf!
Last year, we launched our private Neighborhood Facebook page. This has been a great way to stay connected, and for the HOA Board to send out important reminders and updates. Since everyone isn't on Facebook, here are two additional ways to stay connected with SilverLeaf and the Board.
E-mail Communication
We use Google Groups to manage our distribution list. Only HOA Board members may send the DL e-mails, and we'll use this private group to e-mail Homeowners and applicable renters important reminders, updates, and alerts. You can cancel at any time and we will not sell this list. You do not have to have a Google account or Gmail e-mail address to participate.
Newsletters via E-mail
We have recently transitioned our printed Newsletter to an electronic version. This will save the HOA significant costs each year, while helping us reduce our overall waste. Newsletters will be available for download on our website and sent using our Google Group. Don't worry if you don't have a e-mail; we'll have a limited number of paper copies available. Just contact the Board!
SIGN UP HERE: E-mail and Newsletter Signup Form
If you no longer want to receive these e-mails, please send an e-mail to:
silverleafgreer+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com with the subject "unsubscribe."